موقع د. كمال سيد الدراوي طبي_ اكاديمي _ ثقافي _ تعليمي _ _ استشارات طبية_فيديو طبي |
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د.كمال سيد Admin
عدد المساهمات : 2690 نقاط : 4494 السٌّمعَة : 9 الجنس : علم بلدك : تاريخ الميلاد : 03/04/1950 تاريخ التسجيل : 30/07/2012 العمر : 74 الموقع : السودان - سنار العمل/الترفيه : طبيب عمومى وموجات صوتية الساعة الان : دعائي :
| موضوع: PLAB EXAM الجمعة مارس 27, 2015 1:36 pm | |
51. . A man had an accident irritate him whenever he remember it==========post traumatic disorder,
52. wife thinks husband has alzheimers which factor will confirm Ans:????progressive
53. he is worried as his brother who had kidney condition died of intra cranial ??? Inv: a.intra cranial haemorrhage b.extra dural haem c. sub dural d sub arachnoid Ans: d sub arachnoid
54. child brought to A&E with cut in knee and sprained her left wrist.. which analgesia as she is asthmatic..------ ans: PARACETAMOL
55.husband azzospermia Test to be done a.prolactin b.LH c.testosterone d.serum fsh Ans: d
56. hyponatremia and hyperkalemia Ans: adrenal insufficiency
57.there was a pneumothorax question….chest drain/thoraco
58.peak flow diary
59. a boy has cough and cold and mainly coughing at night Ans: test broncho dilator
60.tricyclic anti depressants….ecg
61. oral contaceptices…..no treatment
62.aspirin…….urine analysis????
63.had vodka and vomited 500 ml……no treatment
64. terminally ill patient has fatigue and thirsty Steroids?????
65.74 yr old male had a fracture of femur. All investigations were normal. Ans- Osteoporosis
66.Another male had a similar fracture, Sr calcium raised and PSA raised. Ans- Metastatic disease
67.Another had a fracture and Sr Ca low, Sr alk phosphatase mildly raised. Ans- Osteomalacia
68.One male had a fracture with profound increase in Sr alk phosphatase activity. Ans- Pagets disease
Theme on Rashes and Fever 69.5yr old had a vesicle in axilla to start and then erytheme all over trunk with similar lesions
70.8 yr old had fever followed by rash and difficulty in walking
Another baby had pink maculopapular rash, not eating, parents were
71.worried and giving ibuprofen
72.One baby had sore throat followed by rash and was on antibiotics for 10 days
73.One baby had rash, fever with sore eyes
74.Male who had his thigh crushed presents with renal failure. Ans- Myoglobin
75.10 day old male vomiting
Ans- Metabolic alkalosis
76.38 yr female presents in the morning with uncnsciousness. No previous history, only headache since morning. BP 140/90, neck stiffness, extensor plantars
Ans- Sub-arachnoid hemorrhage
77.9 yr old male with hemturia, proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, swelling.
Ans- Minimal change disease
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[وحدهم المديرون لديهم صلاحيات معاينة هذا الرابط]
عدل سابقا من قبل د.كمال سيد في الجمعة مارس 27, 2015 1:41 pm عدل 1 مرات | |
| | | د.كمال سيد Admin
عدد المساهمات : 2690 نقاط : 4494 السٌّمعَة : 9 الجنس : علم بلدك : تاريخ الميلاد : 03/04/1950 تاريخ التسجيل : 30/07/2012 العمر : 74 الموقع : السودان - سنار العمل/الترفيه : طبيب عمومى وموجات صوتية الساعة الان : دعائي :
| موضوع: رد: PLAB EXAM الجمعة مارس 27, 2015 1:39 pm | |
| 78.Man had metasatic disease on Dexa and Valprote. Now has Glucose of 8.7mmol/L Ans. Stop Dexa
79.Painless vision loss- CRAO
80.Flashes with loss of vision-Retrobulbar neuritis
81.Fundus cannot be seen- Vitreous hemorrhage
82.Red tinged fundus- CRVO
83.Man with heart failure develops gout. Treatment started,heart failure worsens
84.A boy with epistaxis
Ans- Pinch nose
85.Boy with tonsillectomy presents in A&E with bleeding from tonsillar site ptions- Antibiotics Pressure Reassure surgical expl ans: surgical
86.Chances of inheriting NF Ans- 1 in 2
87. Man on warfarin posted for hemiclectomy
Ans- Stop warfarin and start Heparin
88.Patient prents in A&E with signs of alcohol withdrawal. First drug to use Ans- benzodiazepine
89.Boy with malabsortion
Ans-? Jejunal Biopsy
90.Boy with swelling over feet, increase in wt and lethargic.
Ans- nephrotic 91.Breast-feeding mother presents with abscess. Causative organism Ans- Staphylococcus
92. answered iv saline and insuline cant remember the question
93.Pt had ataxia, vertigo and nystagmus. Site of lesion?
8th nerve Auditory canal Cerebellum Ans: cerebellum
94.Pt had injury to his face and had numb face. Nerve involved? ????INFRAORBITAL NERVE INJURY
95..a patient with alternating swings/episodes from elation and depression was under treatment and got better .want something to be continued so he can stay well. *anxiolytics * mood stabilizers * anti depressents * anti psychotics I ans. anti psychotics as we prescribe lithium for bipolar disorders
96. a child distressed with breathing R/R 40. fever unable to swallow saliva .what to do first *examinine throat * secure airwa *keep him lie flat... iv penicillin Ans: examine the throat
97.women on anti coagulant develop d swelling ,redness,tenderness,swelling in her leg...what diagnostic test to lookfor first
Duplex scan D- dime venography Ans duplex scan
98.a man after RTA pain in right upper quadrant ,right hypochondrium swelling GCS 10 response to pain ,whic is the appropriate inv.? * abdominal xray * erect chest xray * lateral abdominal wall x ray ct scan laparotomy Ans:ct????? 99.A lady who is diagnosed metastatic carcinoma and has only few week of life, has breathless due to pleural effusion: treatment option pleural aspiration catheter insertion and leave for continous drainage pleurodesis
Ans: marked pleural aspiration...changed from continuous drainage at the last minute
100.iucd missing .... do abd.x ray
which structures r injured while passing a chest drain in 4 ICS in midclavicular line: a)intercostal artery b)ICS artery C)ICS nerve
56yr male COPD.His symp. r deterioating despite maximal inhaled therapy.what is da most useful intervention for this pt. a)oral steroids b)injectible steroids c)oral theophyline d)oxygen e)doxapram
wtat is da most appropriate investigation for branchial cyst: a)usg b)aspiratio with cytology c)FNAC
what is da most appropriate investigation for pyloric stenosis: a)abd. Xray b)ba meal c)endoscopy d)serum electrolytes
a boy brought to A&E,vomitting n unwell for few days.his pulse is 100 bpm and is confued n his ABGS r as folows: pH:7.25 PaCo2:3.2 kpa paO2:20 kpa Base excess:15 what is da correct interpretation of above ABGS a)met acidosis b)met. alkalosis c)resp. disorder d)resp. alkalosis
32yr.female wid routhine cervical smear done shows inflammatory changes.her last cervical smear was normal.what is the next step:
a)repeat smear after 6 months b)repeat after 1 year c)take swab d)colposcopy e)transvaginal usg
55yr lady wid mania associated with frequent n cyclical depressive symptoms.wats da t/m:
a)carbamezapine b)sodium valproate
Q. A 42y man, 3wks post MI, on atenolol,aspirin and a statin. Develops weakness of muscles. CK15000 u/l, urea 28mmol/l, creatinine 323um/l. What is diagnosis? Acute tubular necrosis, acute interstitial nephritis,acute cortical necrosis, renal papillary necrosis, renal vein thrombosis, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, hemolytic uremic syndrome, renal azotemia, hepatorenal syndrome, acute glomerulonephritis Q. treatment of agoraphobia:
a)imipramine b)cognitive behavioural therapy
[وحدهم المديرون لديهم صلاحيات معاينة هذا الرابط] | |
| | | د.كمال سيد Admin
عدد المساهمات : 2690 نقاط : 4494 السٌّمعَة : 9 الجنس : علم بلدك : تاريخ الميلاد : 03/04/1950 تاريخ التسجيل : 30/07/2012 العمر : 74 الموقع : السودان - سنار العمل/الترفيه : طبيب عمومى وموجات صوتية الساعة الان : دعائي :
| موضوع: رد: PLAB EXAM الجمعة مارس 27, 2015 1:43 pm | |
Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board
101.There was a SBA on a young female patient who presented with abdominal pain and o/e abdomen was rigid and cervical inspection was impossible becoz of patient's irritability and there was history of Amenorrhea as well. But no usg findings was there and HCG was not done. And patient was hemodynamically stable what is next step of management? a) Laproscopy b) Laprotomy c) USG abdomen ( I marked this) ???? Ans: c
102.A patient came in emergency who was stabbed in a neck has a BP of 60/0 pulse was >120 and distended neck veins? Wats diagnosis? a) Aortic Laceration b) Cardiac Tamponade
103.Then there was a patient with no prior history presented with confusion there was a tachycardia and markedly low BP? wats the immediate management? a) Endotracheal intubation b) Infusion of Fluids i think 0.9% saline Ans: b
104.Girl running around with live insect in ear,
105.woman on OCPS with painless nodules on vulva. answer was vaginal warts.
Theme on investigation of haematuria
106.A girl with back pain and dysuria n haematuria
107.A man with painless haematuria and bld clots -answer cystoscopy .
108.And another man with recurrent haematuria ,mother and aunt had similar problem-answer was ultrasound.
109. anemia of chronic disease is normocytic and normochromic and iron def anemia is microcytic and hypochromic..so ans is anemia of chronic blood loss only
110. Regarding the question on double blinded clinical trial where 1000 subjects were recruited, around 497 & 503 in each group & 2/3 % from treatment group left the trial while 25% from placebo group left the trial. What can be possible explanation for difference in the drop out rates: a) Chance b) Error in randomization c) Error in blinding d) Incomplete information I think the answer is error in blinding. Since the placebo group come to know that they are offered 'placebo' and not the 'treatment' they are not interested in trial as much as the treatment group and hence more drop out.
Answer cannot be incomplete information , as you can calculate chi square with the available information and p value is less than 0.05. Hence, chance can also not be the right answer.... Please excuse me for getting so technical, but being in public health, i thought i should share my perspective.
111. theme with anatomy of the structures pierced during standard procedures..
111) Lumbar puncture - Surpaspinous,ligamentInterspinous ligament and Ligamentum flavum Ans: duramater
112.) mid line asbominal incision – Ans:Linea alba ??
113) chest drain b/n mid axillary line n mid clavicular line - ext. and int. intercostal muscles
114. a pregnant female having high BP systolic more than 160 wid proteinuria of .2g/day. I wrote Pre-eclampsia but unfortunately the right answer was Pregnancy induced hypertension becoz for pre eclampsia the proteinuria must be at least 300mg/day
115. the DKA questions.... The intial investigation would always be.... ABG's....
116. What is the correct answer for stroke prophylaxis? Accordinto ohcm for tia its aspirin and dipyridamole but in view of arrythmias its aspirin and clopidrogel. Also clopidrogel is to be used in case of aspirin intolerance.
117. the question on shoulder abduction injury with no flexion at elbow and forearm in pronation, the answer is 'Brachial Plexus' injury. It was picture of Erb's palsy with C5/C6 nerve root involvement
118. A Person punched on a face presents with numbness of lower lid one side of cheek upto upper lip. Which nerve is injured? I marked Infraorbital Nerve
119. Patient of RA on NSAIDS with low hb low mcv and normal retic count. looks like it is due to ANAEMIA OF CHRONIC DISEASE( since microcytic anaemia as mentioned in question) and retic count is normal if it was due to chronnic blood loss it would have been normocytic anaemia
120.Patient of RA on NSAIDS with low hb low mcv and normal retic count. looks like it is due to ANAEMIA OF CHRONIC DISEASE( since microcytic anaemia as mentioned in question) and retic count is normal
121. Neck flexion causes pain in cervical spondylosis.
122. a question with parents of 18month old bringing him to emergency 'coz he choked on something. Wanted to know what procedure to follow if this happens again. a. Heimlich manoeuvre b. Chest compressions while standing. c. chest compressions and back slaps in standing position d. abdominal thrust and pat at the back e. chest compressions and back slaps with child on lap
123. .Pt have severe diarrhea /vomitting for 3 days now having orthostatic hypotension Ans:dehydration
124. An 84 year old lady with consistently high B.P readings on 3 occasions 3 months apart but no symptoms ,no neurological deficits. otherwise healthy...what will you give at first month 170/90 sec month 164/96 third month similar to first i think * atenolol *anxiolytic * N0 medication *bendoflumethiazides
Ans: bendrofluothiazides
125. asked a female of reproductive age, unable to conceive had sever abdominal pain and mass in left iliac fossa ground glass appearance on x ray ,what can be the diagnosis? * mucinous cystadenoma * ovarian endometriomata( i ans this) * bleeding corpus luteum * fibroid Ans: ovarian endometriotoma
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[وحدهم المديرون لديهم صلاحيات معاينة هذا الرابط] | |
| | | د.كمال سيد Admin
عدد المساهمات : 2690 نقاط : 4494 السٌّمعَة : 9 الجنس : علم بلدك : تاريخ الميلاد : 03/04/1950 تاريخ التسجيل : 30/07/2012 العمر : 74 الموقع : السودان - سنار العمل/الترفيه : طبيب عمومى وموجات صوتية الساعة الان : دعائي :
| موضوع: رد: PLAB EXAM الجمعة مارس 27, 2015 1:44 pm | |
Plab 3: 15th March stations
15th March 2012 stations...are below
1.urinary catherization 2.IV cannulation 3. breast examination 4.diabetic foot 5.knee examination 6.menniquine take BP and listen to heart sounds 7.child with diarrhae telephone conversation with mother 8.child with hypoglycaemic fit talk to mother about management and future prevention of such attacks.mother knew that her child is diabetic. 9.hemicolectomy explain to patient and address concerns because he is anxious 10. operation cancelled because of anemia talk to pt and inform him about the tests you are going to do next 11.temporal arteritis explain management to the pt 12.mother conscious about her daughter's wt loss take history exploring symptoms sensitively 13.hysterectomy dermoid cyst counselling 14.red eye history and differentials 15.pt with cough with sputum 3 months take history discuss differentials 16. headach patient examination and give conscious level
Plab 3 : some more questions 1.there was question on stab injury chest-ans hemopneumothorax 2.investigation for fibroadenoma-ans fnac 3.ca breast treated now presents with bony changes-options were bone scan, ct chest ,etc ans-? 4.insect in the ear-ans alchohol instillation 5.swelling near the nose increasing in size gradually-ans malig melanoma or basal cell ca 6.a question on eclampsia on maintenance dose of mgso4-ans ? give bolus dose of mgso4 7.murmur in a new born radiating to axilla - ans ? 8.acute epiglotitis investigation- ans xray neck 9.bag of worms-ans usg 10.one ent emq with question on glue ear otosclerosis 11.one ophthal theme-had 2 answers for central retinal artery occlusion(one person having myopia and other one having painless loss of vision with pale retina) and one answer was cent ret vein occlusion ( a hypertensive patient with reddish fundus ) and other answer was retinal detachment as red reflex lost 12.uti in a child-ans supra pubic aspiration of urine 13.one theme on rta with pronation of hand -ans as brachial plexus injury 14.swellings in vulva-condyloma parvo virus 15.lymphatic drainage of vulva-? ans 16.treatment of trichomoniasis-ans metro 17.theme on infection in aids: oral ulcers with rashes in face-? candidiasis pneumonia- p.carinni painful swallowing with ulceration of oesophagus-? salmonella 18.multiple glands in neck whts the investigation-ans ? biopsy 19.piercing structure in midline lap -? linea alba 20.piercing structure in drain tube in middle of mid axillary line and midline- ans ? lat or med rectus 21.bleeding 1 wk later tonsilectomy immediate first line traetment- ans packing with cotton 22.iucd not seen - ans x ray abdomen and pelvis 23.some question on humerus # nerve injured - ans ? radial nerve 24.epistaxis in child- ans pinch soft part of nose 25.celiac disease-ans jejunal biopsy
[وحدهم المديرون لديهم صلاحيات معاينة هذا الرابط] | |
| | | د.كمال سيد Admin
عدد المساهمات : 2690 نقاط : 4494 السٌّمعَة : 9 الجنس : علم بلدك : تاريخ الميلاد : 03/04/1950 تاريخ التسجيل : 30/07/2012 العمر : 74 الموقع : السودان - سنار العمل/الترفيه : طبيب عمومى وموجات صوتية الساعة الان : دعائي :
| موضوع: رد: PLAB EXAM الجمعة مارس 27, 2015 1:45 pm | |
Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board
PLAB 1 March 2012 Questions
Q. Man with seizure. Found to have cerebral mets and cerebral edema. Managed with Na valproate and dexa 6mg. Later found to have elevated sugar 20mmol/l
What to do?
1 insulin sliding scale 2 stop dexa 3 long acting insulin 4 do no Man with heart failure, treated for acute gout, heart failure worsens.
*ans NSAIDS: they cause fluid retention. a patient after tosillectectomy comes with profuse bleeding from mouth and vomiting treatment required is *ans* anterior packing in emergency theatre Inability to swallow......Airway P/effusion......Thoracodesis PET................Mg Umbilicated lesion...........BCC Alc wanna leave.........? Pneumothorax...............Thoracocentesis Crush injury.......................Myoglobin Calcium......................Pamidronate Breast abscess................Staph Q. A lady has cafe au lait spots and wants to know about chances of her child inheriting it 100% 1 in 2 1 in 4 1 in 8 0%
In about half of all cases, a person inherits the mutated gene from a parent. The disorder is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, which means that only one copy of the defective gene has to be inherited for a child to get the disorder. Each child of a parent with NF1 runs a 50 percent risk of getting the disorder. HIV Theme.
Man with pain on swallowing. multiple ulcers in the oesophagus
*ans* CMV*
Man on warfarin admitted one day before sugery. with history of dvt and pulmonary emblism
ANS ? stop warfarin and start heparin Man with renal failure says his mother died from it and sister recently had kidney transplant. Which is the best diagnostic investigation? U/s ??? Poly cystic kidney disease? Psychiatric theme. Police bring man into hospital. He says someone keeps breaking in and stealing his stuff. korsakof? Or delusional? Man caught after high speed car chase says he is the best racing driver in the world. Again delusional or sschizophrenic?
1) Delusion
2) Mania young boy with nose bleed for an hour cant remember properly but i think perhaps PT or APTT was prolonged options included vitamin k deficieny and von willebrand dis.
elderly man with headache has early morning headche whcih gets better as day goes on
lady works as a cleaner has headache at the back of neck which pain can be reproduced when bending her neck man brings in his wife unconsious he says she had earlier complained of a severe headache at the back of her head associated with nausea and vomitting ans 1 VWdisease? SOL wasnt in option so i put subdural hem?? tension headache?? A pregnant with pre eclampsia initially on magnesium sulphate and hydralazine then develops another seizure??what to give-diazepam
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